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“DREAM’s 1-day LASIK is for busy people that examination and surgery are done in a day. Painlessness, fast recovery and strict care guarantee the satisfaction.
DREAM’s 2-day Less Pain LASEK is for busy people that requires only 2 days for recovery. Painlessness, fast recovery and strict care guarantee the satisfaction.”

“I have been very impressed with everyone at Dream Eye Center. Very professional great English and the results were fantastic. I felt comfortable during the whole process. The quiet room with the comfy chair and music was an especially nice touch. Thank you so much!-Jeff Jacobsen(DNA IK)
From the moment I arrived, I was well taken care of. Now I have more than perfect vision!”

— Brightte Patton (2D EK)

1Day LASIK/ Lasek for busy workers


How is it possible to get an examination and surgery in a day?


Naturally, people do not expect to have an examination and surgery safely in a day.

Normally, the examination and consultation take 2 hours. After finishing them in the morning, you can receive the surgery in the afternoon. Surgery is done in the afternoon after Avellino DNA test results come back normal.

We always do our best for an accurate and safe procedure.




14th fl. Mijin Plaza, Gangnam Daero 390

Gangnamgu, Seoul

South Korea. 06232 \\ Tel: 82-2- 1588-9881

Opening Hours

Monday – Wednesday  09:30 – 18:30

Thursday - Closed

Friday 09:30 - 20:00

Saturday  09:30 – 16:00

Sunday - Only by  appointment

 Lunch Time 13:00 - 14:00 

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  • 페이스 북 사회 아이콘
  • 인스 타 그램 사회 아이콘
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Location & Contact Details
Tel : +82-2-1588-9881 
E-mail :
Add : 14th floor, Mijin Plaza, Gangnam dae-ro 390, Gangnamgu, Seoul

© 2018 by Dream Eye Center

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