En Lynda
I was sick and tired of the contact lens regimen, and found that other expats had lasek done while in Korea. Because of the benefits and relatively great price compared to Canada, I decided to go for. I chose this eye clinic because I heard it has great English service and didn't want to risk my eyesight through miscommunication.
The major changes after the surgery?
I can see! I can see while I shower and when I wake up. It's also great that I don't have to go through the whole process of washing out my lens case, washing my hands, taking out my lens etc. I can come home from a tiring day and just fall into bed.
Inconveniences during the recovery process included not being able to shower and super sensitivity to light. However, the first couple days passed in a flash, and the inconvenience is well worth it.
The surgery itself is probably the most memorable experience here! I was very scared through the whole thing. It was sweet however, that everyone in the operating room applauded and congratulated me when it was all over.
Finally, I have this one question to your clinic. I see a Cafe Dream, but I don't know if it's available to me? A sign to explain its existence would be appreciated!