Iskandar Yuldasher
I’ve got LASIK surgery in August 2009. I feel really nice at the moment and I think nothing is comparable with 100% sight. I was born with nearsightness and it was my dream to see the world perfectly. However it was very difficult decision to have a surgery.
Even when I’ve got check up results and new that I’m good candidate for the surgery I was hesitating to have it. But seeing my colleague at the office who had a surgery at Dream Eye Centre 9 years ago and who still have a prefect sight I finally decided to change my world.
Preparation for the surgery was excellent, I did not have fear at all, many thanks for doctors and stuff of the clinic that they were kind, attentive and of course professional.
Whole surgery last for at most 10 minutes for both eyes and right after it I could see! I’ll never forget that feeling I had.
After the surgery as doctor informed me I had some discomfort on my eyes for couple of hours. I would recommend trying to have a sleep after you get home.
I did not actually believe when I was told that I can go to the work on the next day after surgery. But I went to the diner at the same day and felt myself very nice.
Even though I could go to the office on second day I felt some discomfort, dryness and fatigue during first month. Then everything got better and better.
Now, I feel good!!!