Evonne Beardsworth
I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat.
It's the best decision I've made.
I had worn glasses since I was a baby, even having a stupid pirate eye patch at one point, and I had more or less resigned myself to my fate until one day...I lost my glasses.
We aren't taking, mild inconvenience, oh no things are a little hazy here. We are talking full on Scooby Doo Velma drops her glasses and can't see the Zombie in front of her kind of blind. I needed a coworker to come and help me look. THAT was the final straw. I couldn't stand to be so dependent on two little circles of glass. So I got my eyes zapped. It was awesome.
I got taken through 27 eye tests (If I remember the count correctly) They did everything: Glaucoma check, Inter ocular pressure, ABCs. I got the all clear. I could have taken the LASIK option, but I love combat sports. Getting punched in the face in the future is a possibility, so I opted for LASEK.
The Nurses, Opticians and my Dr were fantastic. They talked me through every part of the procedure.
They had perfect English, the facilities were like a spa, they were kind and considerate of how nervous people can get, and after the surgery they blasted CONGRATULATIONS over the speakers. A much needed laugh.
My lovely carer even took me to get drops and put me safely into a cab as they weren't busy that day.
The next 4 days were spent in the dark listening to Harry Potter Audio books, and nomming pain killers. The feeling was like having onions in your eyes, but it was TOTALLY worth it. Minimal pain for being able to see? I would gladly pay that price any day.
I'm So happy I can see again. It's changed my life.