I had been thinking about laser eye surgery for a while, but was worried about the pain of the procedure and the potential side effects.
During my LASEK surgery, my eyes were obviously open the whole time. Doctor Lee had done such a good job of numbing my eyes, that the whole procedure (less than 15mins in total) was totally pain free. Because there was no pain, I felt like I was a detached observer, watching it all on a TV screen. I was very surprised by the simplicity and speed of the service.
During the whole time, Doctor Lee and his colleagues were encouraging and made me feel very comfortable.
Following the surgery, I had a week to recover, so I took the doctor's advice and relaxed at home, using the eye drops at the recommended intervals, and not exposing my eyes to any bright lights. There was a little discomfort in my eyes one or two days after the surgery, but there was never any pain, at all.
The recovery time was super quick. In fact, my eye sight had returned to its original nature straight after the surgery. As the days passed, my eye sight started to become better very quickly.
I have never had any problems. No pain. The customer service has been superb the whole time. The consultant and the doctor spoke English very well, so there was always good communication. I highly recommend Dream Eye Center to anyone, and would like to reassure everyone, that it is simple, easy and very quick.